Brands Planted from Values: Pawdel, Stickers for Food, Sticker Vault Co

2022-03-21 14:00:05
  • Business Culture
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womens month highlight

Every March, Women’s Month is celebrated across the globe. It’s a movement to honor the contributions and success of women and discuss arising issues related to female empowerment and gender equality. 

This March, we’re featuring brands of two female entrepreneurs who built meaningful businesses tied to the values they deeply care for.

1. Pawdel

Price point range: Php 250.00 for pet fragrances up to Php 2,499.00 for the leather AlphaLeash

Pawdel channels:

Pawdel creates stylish and functional accessories for dogs and cats. One of its mottos is “A wearable piece of love does not go out of style.” It’s co-founded by partners Flordeliz-Rasmia Abdulkadil (Ramzy) and her partner, Arrian Lim. 

Q: What inspired the start of Pawdel?

Ramzy: I’ve always been obsessed with dogs since I was a little. We took care of several AsPins in our household when I was growing up and when started earning my own money at age 20, I told myself that I’d take care of a dog once I get the chance. 2015 came and we saw Robby in Roberto Street and adopted him. Arrian and I don’t have a child yet so our five dogs’ child-like lifestyle is the superfluous of our love for them. And then we realized we couldn’t find a local replacement of the accessories we purchased for them from overseas. Since I previously worked as a cabin crew for Saudi Arabian Airlines, I was given the opportunity of going to Europe, USA, and some of our neighbouring Asian countries almost every month from 2015 until pre-pandemic days. We figured if we can’t find one, we might as well make one for ourselves and everyone else who treats their pets like how we treat ours. We love cats, too! But our dogs go crazy whenever they see one!

DukeMol and Ramzy
Ramzy (left) and Arrian (right), with the brand’s three Paw-Founders: Robby, Patchi, and Kiwi

“We believe a humanized lifestyle for pets improves their general welfare. For non-pet lovers to see these dogs and cats wear our wearable pieces of love, much like in humans, it certainly helps to command respect, dignity, and kindness. You can’t just shoo away a dog wearing a bow tie, can you?”

Pawdel also hosts a #NextTopPawdel search on their social media. They also have a dog name generator on their website and reshare PSAs to help spread the word on missing furbabies.

2. Sticker Vault Co and Stickers for Food

Price range of stickers is ₱39 per piece to ₱179 per set

Sticker Vault Co also sells sticker albums, ranging from ₱350 to ₱550

Stickers for Food is a fundraising project to feed Filipinos in need.

By their names, Sticker Vault Co and Stickers for Food focus on sticker merch. These two brands that champion artistry, Filipino talent, and charity, are co-founded by Mel Cabral. Sticker Vault sells both stickers and albums that enthusiasts can use to neatly house their sticker collections. The other project called Stickers for Food is a collaborative fundraiser that sells food-themed stickers to help feed Filipinos in need through PAGASA organization (People for Accountable Governance and Sustainable Action).

Sticker Vault Co channels:
Facebook: @stickervaultco
Instagram: @stickervaultco
Twitter: @stickervaultco

Stickers for Food channels:
Facebook: @StickersForFoodPH
Instagram: @stickersforfoodph
Twitter: @stickers4foodph

Q: What inspired the start of Sticker Vault Co?

Mel: To put it simply: we decided to solve our own problem. It all started back in March 2019 when I attended an art convention with my friend. After the event, we decided to rest for a bit at a nearby cafe. While we were there, she spread her haul across the table, which included lots of stickers and a DIY’d sticker album.

She was so excited to begin curating her collection, only to discover that the material that the pages were made of wasn’t meant to be used with stickers. When she tried to peel off the stickers to re-organize them, they’d either rip up, curl, or lose their stickiness entirely. In the end, a large chunk of her precious collection was ruined because of the album.

Seeing her distress over the situation inspired me to act. For years, we were wondering why we couldn’t find any sticker albums that were designed specifically for sticker collecting.

The business literally started right there in that cafe. I opened my laptop and began my research. If we couldn’t find the perfect sticker album, then we’ll make our own!

“Our sticker albums give customers peace of mind! They allow them to keep their sticker collections in one place, so they no longer have to deal with the hassle of digging through messy piles of loose stickers and sticker sheets kept in boxes, envelopes, and the like.”

Mel: And because our sticker albums are made of the appropriate materials, any stickers they place onto the album’s pages won’t lose their stickiness. Because of this, our customers can display their curated sticker collections however they want without feeling pressured to commit to any single layout or avoid any mistakes. They can always “undo,” so to speak, and move their stickers around until they come up with a layout they like.

Plus, if they’re the sort of people who can’t decide where to permanently stick their stickers, or they simply don’t feel comfortable doing so, our sticker albums allow them to continue collecting without stressing about it.

Many customers have told us that migrating their current collections to our albums, and re-organizing them occasionally, is a very relaxing and meditative activity, too. 🙂

And, as artists ourselves, we also support local sticker artists and strongly believe in the value of their work. Besides sticker albums, we hope to showcase more and more stickers and sticker-related products by local artists in our store in the years to come.

Shop and Support Female Entrepreneurs

Ramzy and Mel are truly inspiring for being able to run their businesses and leave a positive impact towards the causes they truly care about. Pawdel, Sticker Vault Co, and Stickers for Food are SwiftPay merchant partners. Our aim is to let businesses get to enjoy their profits more, which is why we have a lower transaction fee charged for every successful sale using our online transfer. This is our way of supporting entrepreneurs, especially start ups, on top of our other existing merchant promotions that you can check out here!

Support our partner brands and SwiftPay too by picking “Online Transfer” on their respective store’s checkout page. Redirect to their stores and shop now by clicking the images below.

Stickers for Food
Sticker Vault Co
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